All Ebike and Escooter parts from NIUBILITY BIKES are shipped from China. The parts are shipped by truck and take about 4-weeks to arrive. Due to this pandemic even delivery times cannot be fully guaranteed. If you are waiting for a part or battery to be shipped, please be patient. We thank you very much.
Niubility Bike Battery Charger
Available Charging for Niubility Electric City Bike
Regular price
Sale priceSave 44%
Coupon Code:
CN Warehouse Via UPS Free Delivery in 35 Days (No Customs Fees)
All Ebike and Escooter parts from GOGOBEST BIKES are shipped from China. The parts are shipped by truck and take about 4-weeks to arrive. Due to this pandemic even delivery times cannot be fully guaranteed. If you are waiting for a part or battery to be shipped, please be patient. We thank you very much.